
love notes

a ritual to start the work week

Monday, May 16, 2022

all’s well that tends well
that cares well, that serves
all’s well that bends well
that changes, that curves
all’s well that sends well
that gives well, compounds
all’s well that mends well
that heals well, rebounds


love notes
a ritual to start the work week

Christopher Shepard
Monday, May 9, 2022

Moon left, pulled under toe
to surrender longing. Lover alone
also through spin, wood backwards,
flesh a dream. Skin-time,
neon-green, bone-like
shadow. Death follows cautiously,
flame walk also. Also,
left switches light, right?


love notes
a ritual to start the work week

Christopher Shepard
Monday, May 2, 2022

To close the loop,
press down slightly
on your past self,
allowing your current
path to slide over
and cover it completely.

Use just enough pressure
to depress the trigger
hidden carefully beneath
your hardened shell
— some cracking is normal —
releasing the awareness
valve to let growth flow.

Do not force it.

Too much effort could
result in permanent
damage to the seal
causing ongoing leakage,
a sudden descent or
unpredictable departure.

If you miss the moment
and continue on the same
circle, wait patiently for
the opening to come around


love notes
a ritual to start the work week

Christopher Shepard
Monday, April 25, 2022

bring the unending potential
beyond yourself within, one
slithering breath at a time;
feed your vastness with our
vastness; expand of us; two
by two turns four to universes;
one poem’s every poem; impressions
sink into surfaces, form
scars of impacts shaded from
sun’s reach, each of us a moon;
fingers stretch farther than their tips,
tickling little ribs and sensitive bellies
from across the room; openness
opens opportunity; the slightest
nudge a landslide from nothingness
into infinity; inhale;
soften once more if you dare


love notes
a ritual to start the work week

Christopher Shepard
Monday, April 18, 2022

infinite openings
overhead and underfoot
boundless springs tightly wound
listening for the call
to unfurl forever
their lives their sole response

How come we, friends, to choose
which lucky sprigs to pluck?
Which yellow to follow,
green to deepen and grow,
branch to hold, stone to step,
thought to spill from our pen?


love notes
a ritual to start the work week

Christopher Shepard
Monday, April 11, 2022

Goosebumps like speed bumps say ‘whoa, slow down,’
a little friction to protect us. 

Yet tension slows movement, growth and love,
a little oil then, to prepare us.


love notes
a ritual to start the work week

Christopher Shepard
Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Brain abuzz like bursting bubbles, TV fuzz,
mind drizzle fizzles on my white hot skull.

Pent-up potential energy grows frenetic
before kinetic conversion releases my flooded creases.

Deepen the well, I tell my hungry my lungs.
Breathe in the rushing air, even as to-do cliffs steepen.

When monkey-wrenching thought-swirls take hold
unclench, unfurl, uncross, unfold.


love notes
a ritual to start the work week

Christopher Shepard
Monday, March 28, 2022

yes—we’ve taken on mountains; and
yes—we’ve lots left to do; and
yes—we’ve heard weeping nightly; and
yes—we’ve much to see through; and

yes—our wicks near their ends now; and
yes—our edges are frayed; and
yes—our kindness can keep us; and
yes—our hearts can be brave; and

yes—new beginnings await us; and
yes—new paths to pursue; and
yes—old nightmares may haunt us; and
yes—old dreams can come true


love notes
a ritual to start the work week

Christopher Shepard
Monday, March 21, 2022

carry us away
as some brittle leaves
of grass left to fade
and wither. Take us
up into the breeze,
freed of wan and weight.
Weave us, please, nurture
new use into our
weary forms. Make us
your haven, gathered
just so to give warmth
and comfort, safety
from storm and hunger.
Fill us with your rest,
your young and your life.
Nest of us.


love notes
a ritual to start the work week

Christopher Shepard
Monday, March 14, 2022

Contrary Mary's, queens and fairies,
how does your power grow?
With long memories,
new ways to see
and raised fists all in a row.
Eager Peter’s, cakes and beavers,
slow your rolls to trap your keepers.
Bound and gagged, you can not yell
for freedom to express yourself.
Cracker Jack’s honking horns are
good at putting babes in corners.
But thumb your nose
at dummies and drones
who buzz and lie
like snakes and flies
and think they know what they suppose.


love notes
a ritual to start the work week

Christopher Shepard
Monday, March 7, 2022

how buds reach
for the sun
how they climb
thru muck and
curve around
stones to build
themselves up
how they poke
proudly yet
babes that we
can not hold
only hope
their tangle
of roots knot
them to earth
long enough
to flower


love notes
a ritual to start the work week

Christopher Shepard